100 Good Morning Messages to Send Your Guy! (2025)

Have you ever seen a sweet text message that gave you butterflies? There’s no feeling like it. Share that wonderful feeling and add to the romance in your relationship by sending a good morning message for him to make him smile.

I want to give you 100 good morning texts to send to your man that are guaranteed to bring a grin to his face!

In romantic relationships, it is crucial to always keep that romance alive, no matter how long or how little you’ve been together. All relationships require work and effort to keep them strong. Good morning love messages can help with that!

Whether you want to send funny good morning messages, simple good morning texts, flirty ones, etc.- we have a whole list of 100 great good morning texts to get you covered!

One-third of the year will be over before you run out of text messages from this list! Get started below on wishing your man a lovely day with these great messages.

100 Good Morning Messages to Send Your Guy! (1)

Why I Love Sending My Husband Good Morning Messages

As Emily Dickinson once said, “For love is immortality.” I couldn’t agree more. Love is timeless. To keep any love going strong, it is important to incorporate all emotions into a relationship- romantic, funny, sweet, and more. This can all be conveyed with good morning texts.

I started sending silly, sweet, romantic, and sexy text messages to my husband a long time ago (like the one below!). As you can see in that post, we have a lot of fun with it. I want you and your partner to have the same amount of fun (and joy!) from sharing text messages back and forth!

100 Good Morning Messages to Send Your Guy! (2)

I love sending my husband good morning messages because it starts our relationship off on the right foot. No matter what the previous day has brought, we can wake up with a new love and appreciation for each other.

It also helps us start the day as a team again. We never know what this crazy world will throw at us each day, but we know that we are in it together and we can get through anything together.

The funny text messages can also remind us to start the day off light-hearted. Too often we see negativity within the first few minutes of scrolling on our phone in the morning. (I don’t know if you’re the type of person to open up social media the minute you wake up…guilty.)

If we wake up to a light-hearted message, or a deep romantic message, it will signal to our brain that not everything in life needs to be so serious. When my husband and I started doing this, it didn’t just change our relationship- it changed our outlook on life.

So if you’re looking for a good morning text message (or any other kind of message!) for your special guy in your life, then this post is for you. I’ve pulled together a list of some of the best good morning message ideas for him that will make him smile! So both you and your husband can have a great start to the day!

100 Awesome Good Morning Messages for Him to Make Him Smile

Short and Sweet Good Morning Texts for Him

Some of the favorite texts I’ve sent my husband are short and sweet messages that I send when we are still in bed… Yes, it may seem odd to send your husband a text message when he is laying right next to you catching up on his emails or checking the score from last night’s game, but it’s completely unexpected also, which makes it even more fun.

And whether it is flirty texts or romantic good morning texts, your man will love waking up to a text from you, even if you’re waking up in the same bed… Here are some awesome short and sweet good morning messages to make him smile:

100 Good Morning Messages to Send Your Guy! (3)

Flirty good morning texts to send right before he wakes up

Sweet good morning messages are great, but how about some flirty or frisky texts to really get his attention? Try these if you’re feeling a little… ahem, playful:

Hey, wanna quick repeat of last night? 😉

Is there something you’d rather do than hit the snooze button? 😉

Waking up to kiss you is the best alarm clock.

You look drop dead sexy right now. (Yeah, I know I can’t see you, but you always look that way.)

Wanna come be part of my morning routine?

I know scrolling through your phone is a morning habit, but there is something else we could be making a morning habit.

You know what I need to help me wake up… coffee… what were you thinking? Wink Wink.

We don’t need Netflix this early. We can just chill.

My love language is physical touch. Come give me a present.

Hey! There’s a sexy thing in my bed!

Do you know which of your curves is my favorite?….your smile. 🙂

Rise and shine and give me… 😉

Why don’t you skip the gym today and we can sneak a little workout in right now? 😉

Text messages to send him when he is still in bed (when he’s in the same bed as you)

These are great messages to send him while you’re both still in bed, just scrolling through your phones before actually getting up. Even though it seems silly to send sweet or romantic messages when your man is right next to you, it is a great way to make him smile… and he definitely won’t be expecting it!

Try sending one of these messages when he’s laying in bed right next to you:

I love you more than I love that cup of coffee you’re about to bring me in bed. 😉

I know it will be a wonderful day because I’m waking up next to you.

You are my favorite person… so glad that I get to wake up next to you everyday.

You were in my dreams last night…and now you’re here! What a great start to the day!

Wanna go on a date tonight?…Oh wait, every night is date night with you! Can’t believe I get every day with my favorite person.

It’s been (___ amount of time) since we’ve been together, and yet I still wake up grinning that I get to spend my life with you.

Thanks for a lovely morning before you even woke up. <3

In the words of Whitney Houston, “I will always love you”… I would totally sing it to you right now, but I’m not sure you could stand my morning breath. 🙂

Yeah I’m texting you when we are still in bed. Just wanted to beat you to saying I LOVE YOU!

Instead of counting sheep last night, I counted the number of reasons why I love you! Fell asleep at 857. 😉

Other great short and sweet good morning love messages

Thanks for loving me even though I look like this in the morning. 🙂

Good morning sunshine! Thanks for being the love of my life.

You make me a better person, and I am eternally grateful for you. <3

Proud to call you my (husband/spouse/boyfriend/etc).

I love you more than a millennial loves avocado toast. (This fun message also makes a great funny love note for him!)

100 Good Morning Messages to Send Your Guy! (4)

Thanks for always being my sunshine, even on the stormy days.

You + me = awesome sauce.

You make everything amazing.

I heart you.

Everything about you makes me smile.

Longer Good Morning Messages

Sometimes a short and sweet good morning message just can’t convey how much you love your husband or boyfriend. So you may want to mix it up a bit and send one of these longer good morning messages for him instead. Sending some good morning paragraphs can help bring some romance into your relationship before the day has even begun.

I know this works because I do it with my husband! I love sending my husband romantic messages, so this is a great place to start!

100 Good Morning Messages to Send Your Guy! (5)

Try one (or all!) of these longer romantic messages for him:

I know that you may not be ready for today, but I want to do anything I can do on my end to make sure it is a great day for you. I’m on your team, and am cheering you on, even if from afar! You’re my true love, and no matter what happens today I’ll be with you. Always for better or for worse.

You’re the last thing on my mind at night, and the first thing on my mind in the morning. It is the best way to start and end the day. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I am so thankful for you. Any day that we are together I know will be a good day. Thanks for being you!

Good morning babe! It’s a new day, which means it’s another amazing day I get to be with you. You make every morning a great morning. I am ever grateful for your unconditional love. I hope to be even a little bit as amazing as you are. I love you and have a fantastic day!

Good morning sweetheart! I wanted to send you a sweet text message to let you know that I hope the day turns out to be as wonderful as you are. No matter what this day brings, I love you and I can’t wait to see you later. Thanks for being wonderful!

Good morning darling- thanks for your sweet love that never fades. I know I don’t always send romantic text messages but I want you to know I think of you all the time and I’m so thankful for everything you are and how wonderful you have made life. Thanks for everything!

I know it doesn’t always seem like I notice…but I do. I notice the sacrifices you make for us and for our family. Nothing “small” is actually little. Everything you do adds up to making our relationship fantastic, and I am so lucky God placed us together. Thank you for who you are and everything you do for me and for our family.

A Morning love letter to my special guy- you are amazing. Incredible. There are never enough adjectives to describe just how wonderful you are. I hate how the English language limits me explaining how deep my love is for you. I hope that you go into this day knowing just how great you are. I love you!

For many, love comes and goes. Once love came to us though, nothing could ever make it go. There’s nothing you can do to make me stop loving you. Never question that- I will always be there cheering you on, loving you no matter what the day brings! Thanks for being my #1 forever and for always.

Not to flood your inbox with a long rambly I love you message…but I’m going to flood your inbox with a long rambly message. It’s just because I’m insanely in love with you. I remember the butterflies from when we first met. I think some butterflies never moved out of my stomach, because I still get them so often. When you peak out from around a corner…when I watch you walk away…when I see you with your friends, or with our kids…every part of me melts for you. I love you just like I did when we first met and my love for you will never change. I hope you never change either, because I love you just the way God made you.

I wanted to catch you before the day got crazy. I want you to have a wonderful day, but I want you to know that I’m here for you no matter what type of day you end up having. Let me know how I can best be there for you throughout the day and until the end of the day, because I want to do everything in my power to make sure that you have the best day ever. I love you sweetie, have a great day!

Good morning love of my life! You have no idea how blessed I am to be able to wake up with another day of you in my life. You were the first thing on my mind this morning, so I needed you to know just how much I love you. I hope your day is spectacular! I know mine will be once you are in it. Love you!

Hey you. You amaze me. Every day. You just wake up and keep being your fantastic self, and it never ceases to amaze me. Everything you do amazes me actually. Thanks for being you. God knew what He was doing when He made you. I am so lucky to be called your wife. Keep shining baby!

If you liked any of these, you could also take time to write your husband a love letter with some examples here!

Good Morning Messages for Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships can be hard. (Biggest understatement ever? Probably.) If you are in a long distance relationship, give yourself a pat on the back- and your partner a virtual pat on the back- for making it work through thick and thin.

If you live far from your partner, you may already be texting quite a bit. These messages may help get out of the normalized text habits you two have created. It can bring some romantic energy into your virtual messages so nothing becomes mundane.

Try these great good morning messages for long distance relationships:

I hate that my best friend lives so far away…but true love is the only thing that can handle distance.

You know what the best thing in (place you are in) is? You when you are in it! Only (insert time) until you’re here again!

From our virtual hugs to our most intimate moments, I adore every moment with you, no matter how near or how far.

I just saw the most handsome guy…I was looking through our photos this morning.

Good morning baby, texting you in the morning is the only thing that has made me a morning person.

This time is rough, but I know we will be reunited soon. I miss you and I love you!

Any day with you is the best day…even if we’re not physically together.

I can’t wait for the day where I go from missing you to kissing you.

(Use Alexa, Google, or an app to find out exactly how many minutes until you see your special someone again.) _____ more minutes until I get to kiss you! I’m the luckiest girl in the whole world!

Your sense of humor brightens my day, and I can’t wait to laugh with you again.

No matter how busy today gets, and how much or how little we get to talk, I want you to know how often I think about you throughout the day.

I know you may be busy, so need to respond. Just wanted you to see me say I LOVE YOU if you glanced at your phone this moment. <3

Thanks for loving me, no matter how close or how far.

We’re always together. Can’t wait until it is in person!

Your love is all I need. Love knows no geographical boundaries.

I love that we are proving everyone wrong about long distance relationships.

The miles apart we are is nothing in comparison to the number of things I love about you.

I’m thinking about sneaking onto a plane as cargo to come see you. What are your thoughts?

I’m learning more about (place they live.) (Name 1-3 fun facts.) But nothing is as amazing as you are.

I cannot imagine a life without you in it. Can’t wait until we’re together in person.

We will always defy odds. Whether it’s surviving a long-distance relationship or anything else, we will always shock people with how strong our love is.

No matter where you are, you’re my home.

No matter where you are in the world, you mean the world to me.

Loving you is the best decision that has ever been made. Not even between the two of us. Just the best decision in general. The world needs more good decisions like this one.

Hey you. Yes you. Just wanted to send you the 100th text today of how much I love you. Miss me yet? 😉

Reason #1224554654 I miss you: your smile.

Other Good Morning Messages to Make Him Smile

So far we have tackled cute good morning messages, beautiful good morning messages, and even some funny good morning texts. But no matter what type of message you send, this simple act can really make him smile… and it doesn’t cost you more than a few seconds of your time!

If you’re up for more great good morning messages, try some of these other options:

Today is not going to be the best day. (Wait for him to ask why.) Because this was (send picture from wedding day or the most special day you’ve had together).

“We love with a love that is more than love.” Edgar Allen Poe

Thanks for the gift! (wait for him to ask what gift). Another day with you!

I love every part of you, even the parts you don’t love about yourself. You’ll never understand just how amazing you are.

I’m thankful for how incredible you are. I want to become a better person each and every day because of you.

Don’t ever change.

If I lost everything I had except for you, I would still have everything.

Out of all the blessings I’ve been given in life, my greatest blessing is having you in my life.

Every story is beautiful. But nothing tops ours.

It was love at first sight. But it’s still straight up love at 1,003244363285th sight.

I know I’m a handful somedays. That’s why God gave you two hands. But thanks for always “hand”ling me.

Thanks for being my happy place 100% of the time.

It’s only been ___ since I’ve seen you but I need you back here.

You were my favorite thing about yesterday. And today. And I’m just going to put a good guess out there that you’ll be my favorite thing about tomorrow too.

You’re not just my happiness. You’re my consistency, my rock, and my everything.

You make me more than I could ever be alone.

“A good husband makes a good wife.” John Florio. Thanks for being more than just a “good” husband.

All the things you do make me obsess over you. Even when you (fill in blank with the dirty work your guy does around the house, such as unclogging drains or doing the trash, to remind him how much you appreciate the work that he does.)

You are my favorite phone notification.

We may have challenges (who doesn’t.) We may stumble and fall (everyone else does, they just don’t talk about it on social media.) We may fight over silly things, but our love is anything but silly. It’s deep and it’s real and I’m so thankful for you.

Good Morning Love Quotes that Would Make Great Messages

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get- only with what you are expecting to give- which is everything.” Katharine Hepburn – Thank you for always going above and beyond. I want to love you like you love me; I am so grateful for you!

“Where there is love there is life.” Mahatma Ghandi – Thanks for creating a wonderful life with me. I can’t believe there was a time when we did not know each other. Sometimes I think of young memories and I think you are there and have to remind myself that there was a time in my life when you weren’t in it. Never again. ❤️

“Whatever his soul is made of, his and mine are the same.” Emily Brontë – Who knows what souls are made up of, but I’m thrilled that our souls get to be together for eternity.

“In love there are two things, bodies and words.” Joyce Carol Oates – May we always remember the vows we said to each other and the words we continue to say to each other. You complete me.

“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” Friedrich Nietzche – Thanks for joining me on the madness of love. I wouldn’t do life any other way except with you. Thanks for being on this crazy adventure of life with me. I love you so much!

“Nobody has measured, not even poets, how much a heart can hold.” Zelda Fitzgerald – There is of course no way to ever measure what a heart can hold. I think that is because we can always love each other more. As the song says, I love you more today than yesterday. But not as much as tomorrow. I can’t imagine a world where I could love you more, but tomorrow will bring just that. I love you.

Final Thoughts

So, which good morning message for him will you use first? Did you find yourself leaning more towards the flirty good morning texts? The text messages when he is still in bed? Perhaps longer good morning messages?

I find that sending a variety of good morning texts to your man can guarantee a constant smile from him. And the great thing about creating a variety of good morning messages is that he will never know what to expect. One day he will be cracking up from a silly message, but the next day he will read a longer romantic message and fall more in love than he did yesterday.

And the ironic thing? You will too.

So are you ready to send a good morning text message to your man? Let us know which is your favorite below! And don’t forget to PIN this post for later when you want to send a good morning message for him to make him smile!

100 Good Morning Messages to Send Your Guy! (6)

And you can check out this post for some good evening message ideas for him!

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have personal experiences or emotions, but I can provide information and insights on the topic of good morning messages for relationships.

Good Morning Messages for Him

Sending good morning messages to your partner is a great way to add romance and positivity to your relationship. It shows your love and appreciation for your partner and can help strengthen your bond. Good morning messages can be sweet, funny, flirty, or even a combination of different emotions. Here are some concepts used in the article:

  1. Importance of Romance: The article emphasizes the importance of keeping the romance alive in a relationship, regardless of how long you've been together. It suggests that good morning messages can help in maintaining romance.

  2. Different Types of Messages: The article suggests sending different types of good morning messages to your partner, such as short and sweet messages, flirty messages, and longer romantic messages. It provides examples of these messages to inspire you.

  3. Benefits of Sending Good Morning Messages: The article highlights several benefits of sending good morning messages. It can start your day off on a positive note, strengthen the bond between partners, and remind you to approach the day with a light-hearted attitude.

  4. Messages for Different Situations: The article also provides specific messages for different situations, such as when your partner is still in bed or when you're in a long-distance relationship. These messages are tailored to create a smile and a sense of connection.

  5. Love Quotes: The article includes love quotes from famous figures like Katharine Hepburn, Mahatma Gandhi, and Emily Brontë. These quotes can be used as inspiration to express your feelings in a heartfelt way.

Remember, the most important aspect of sending good morning messages is to be genuine and sincere. Tailor the messages to your partner's personality and preferences to make them even more meaningful.

100 Good Morning Messages to Send Your Guy! (2025)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.