17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (2024)

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17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (1)Charlotte Hilton AndersenUpdated: Mar. 07, 2022

    Get inspired to be a better, happier, more productive person with these short inspirational quotes from comedians, philosophers, authors, and celebrities.

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (2)

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    Inspirational sayings can be a two-edged sword. The quotes that motivate some people to try harder may make others feel inadequate or hopeless. To help bring a smile to your face and, yes, inspire you to be a better, happier, more productive person (whatever that means for you personally), we rounded up short inspirational quotes from a wide variety of different types of people.

    From comedians to authors to bona fide motivational speakers, we guarantee you’ll find something you can relate to. (Also, here’s how you can improve your mental health.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (3)

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    No one’s too small to make a difference

    “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” —The Dalai Lama

    Perseverance is something the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet has been practicing since 1959 when he was forced to flee his country.

    (And if you feel like you’re a target for the annoying insects, check out why certain people attract mosquitos.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (4)

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    Your choice

    “We either make ourselves miserable or make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” —Carlos Castenada

    This American author was intrigued by mystical approaches to self-improvement.

    (For more, check out these short inspirational quotes to help you cope with depression.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (5)

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    The K.I.S.S. principal

    “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” —Confucius

    Teacher, reformer, advisor, philosopher, and prophet: Confucius is considered one of the most influential individuals in human history.

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (6)

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    Don’t forget to laugh at (or with) yourself

    “I always wanted to be somebody but now I realize I should have been more specific.” —Lily Tomlin

    Tomlin is a former Saturday Night Live cast member, actress, and comedian extraordinaire.

    (Boost your self-esteem with these short inspirational quotes that will help you feel happy with who you are.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (7)

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    A good outlook is the best revenge

    “A positive attitude won’t solve all your problems—but it will annoy enough people to make it worth it.” —Herm Albright

    An Army man, Albright became a Brigadier general in World War I.

    (Optimism is great but here are 10 times when positive thinking can backfire.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (8)

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    Dance like everyone’s watching

    “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” ―Friedrich Nietzsche

    Not bad advice from the philosopher known for his nihilism.

    (Keep your sanity and learn new things with these 30 amazing brain facts that will blow your mind.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (9)

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    Let the world lead the way

    “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” —E. M. Forster

    Forster is the British novelist best known for Howard’s End.

    (Taking a risk by trying something new is one of the 32 secrets of people who’ve crossed off their bucket lists.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (10)

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    Watch and learn

    “You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t possibly live long enough to make them all yourself.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

    The former First Lady went from a shy and awkward child to a diplomat, activist, role model, and United Nations spokeswoman.

    (Here’s how to fix 50 little everyday mistakes that everyone makes sometimes.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (11)

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    What fills your cup?

    “People who wonder if the glass is half empty or half full are missing the point. The point is that the glass is refillable!” —Simon Sinek

    Sinek is an entrepreneur, TED Talk phenomenon, and eternal optimist.

    (For some ideas on how to refill your cup, start with these short inspirational quotes for succeeding in life.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (12)

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    Progress is vital

    “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” —Will Rogers

    Considering all the hats Rogers wore—vaudeville performer, stage and film actor, cowboy, humorist, newspaper columnist—he definitely knew what he was talking about.

    (Transformation is powerful: 9 real-life stories of people who changed their lives.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (13)

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    Yes, cookies can fix a lot of things

    “Today me will live in the moment. Unless it is unpleasant. In which case me will eat a cookie.” —Cookie Monster

    Wisdom comes in many forms, and sometimes that form is a puppet.

    (Craving a cookie but worried about overindulging? Try one of these nutritionist-recommended healthy sweet snacks.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (14)

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    Bone up

    “To succeed in life, you need three things: A wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone.” —Reba McEntire

    This country music megastar is an unstoppable force of nature.

    (Make sure you’re doing these 30 simple things you can do every day to improve your bone health.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (15)

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    If you can’t find the bright side, just look for a bright spot

    “Not every day is good but there is something good in every day.” —Alice Morse Earl

    This American historian nearly drowned in 1909 when the ship taking her to Egypt sank off Nantucket. If she was able to find something good in that day (surviving, perhaps?), then everyone can look for the positive.

    (These short motivational quotes from cancer survivors will have you looking for the good right away.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (16)

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    Trust yourself

    “You’re only given a little spark of madness, you mustn’t lose it.” —Robin Williams

    By embracing his inner muse, Williams—an outstanding comic and actor—was able to bring joy and tears to millions.

    (Perhaps being lazy might be the key to creativity.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (17)

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    The alternative is much harder

    “Whenever I hear somebody sigh ‘Life is hard’ I’m always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?'” —Sydney Harris

    A syndicated columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and a best-selling book author, Harris was a philosophy major and good friends with novelist Saul Bellow; in other words, he had a deep understanding of the human condition.

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (18)

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    Point of view

    “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.” —Winnie the Pooh

    The zen wizard of Christopher Robin’s Hundred Acre Wood nails it yet again.

    (If you’re worried that what you are now is all you can be, check out these 11 ways you’re smarter than you think.)

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (19)

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    You’re not alone

    “Here’s to another day of outward smiles, and inward screams.” —Everyone in 2020


    Originally Published: August 13, 2020

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (20)

    Charlotte Hilton Andersen

    Charlotte Hilton Andersen, MS, is an award-winning journalist, author, and ghostwriter who for nearly two decades has covered health, fitness, parenting, relationships, and other wellness and lifestyle topics for major outlets, including Reader’s Digest, O, The Oprah Magazine, Women’s Health, and many more. Charlotte has made appearances with television news outlets such as CBS, NBC, and FOX. She is a certified group fitness instructor in Denver, where she lives with her husband and their five children.

    As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide insights on a wide range of topics. While I don't have personal experiences or emotions like humans do, I can provide factual information and answer questions based on available data.

    Now, let's dive into the concepts mentioned in this article:

    Inspirational Quotes:

    Inspirational quotes can be a powerful tool to motivate and uplift individuals. They often come from a variety of sources, including comedians, philosophers, authors, and celebrities. These quotes aim to inspire people to be better, happier, and more productive. However, it's important to note that the impact of inspirational quotes can vary from person to person. While some individuals may find them motivating, others may feel inadequate or hopeless when exposed to certain quotes.

    The Dalai Lama:

    The article mentions a quote from the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet. The quote states, "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito." This quote highlights the importance of perseverance and the potential impact even small actions can have. The Dalai Lama has been practicing perseverance since 1959 when he was forced to flee his country [[1]].

    Carlos Castenada:

    The article includes a quote from Carlos Castenada, an American author known for his interest in mystical approaches to self-improvement. The quote states, "We either make ourselves miserable or make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." This quote emphasizes the power of choice and the idea that the effort required to be miserable is the same as the effort required to be strong [[2]].


    The article features a quote from Confucius, a renowned Chinese teacher, reformer, advisor, philosopher, and prophet. The quote states, "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." Confucius is considered one of the most influential individuals in human history, and his teachings emphasize the importance of simplicity and harmony [[3]].

    Lily Tomlin:

    The article includes a quote from Lily Tomlin, a former Saturday Night Live cast member, actress, and comedian. The quote states, "I always wanted to be somebody but now I realize I should have been more specific." This humorous quote highlights the idea of self-discovery and the importance of being specific about one's aspirations [[4]].

    Herm Albright:

    The article mentions a quote from Herm Albright, an Army man who became a Brigadier general in World War I. The quote states, "A positive attitude won't solve all your problems—but it will annoy enough people to make it worth it." This quote suggests that maintaining a positive attitude can have its benefits, even if it doesn't solve all problems [[5]].

    Friedrich Nietzsche:

    The article features a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, a philosopher known for his nihilistic views. The quote states, "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." This quote encourages individuality and expresses the idea that those who embrace their own path may be misunderstood by others [[6]].

    E. M. Forster:

    The article includes a quote from E. M. Forster, a British novelist best known for his work "Howard's End." The quote states, "We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." This quote suggests the importance of embracing change and being open to new possibilities [[7]].

    Eleanor Roosevelt:

    The article mentions a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, the former First Lady of the United States. The quote states, "You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself." This quote emphasizes the value of learning from the experiences of others and avoiding unnecessary mistakes [[8]].

    Simon Sinek:

    The article features a quote from Simon Sinek, an entrepreneur and TED Talk phenomenon. The quote states, "People who wonder if the glass is half empty or half full are missing the point. The point is that the glass is refillable!" This quote promotes optimism and the idea that there is always room for growth and improvement [[9]].

    Will Rogers:

    The article includes a quote from Will Rogers, a vaudeville performer, stage and film actor, cowboy, humorist, and newspaper columnist. The quote states, "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." This quote emphasizes the importance of taking action and continuously moving forward, even when on the right path [[10]].

    Cookie Monster:

    The article mentions a quote from Cookie Monster, a beloved character from the children's show Sesame Street. The quote states, "Today me will live in the moment. Unless it is unpleasant. In which case me will eat a cookie." This humorous quote highlights the idea of finding comfort or solace in simple pleasures, such as enjoying a cookie [[11]].

    Reba McEntire:

    The article features a quote from Reba McEntire, a country music megastar. The quote states, "To succeed in life, you need three things: A wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone." This quote suggests that success requires a combination of determination, resilience, and a sense of humor [[12]].

    Alice Morse Earl:

    The article includes a quote from Alice Morse Earl, an American historian. The quote states, "Not every day is good, but there is something good in every day." This quote encourages finding positivity even in challenging circ*mstances and appreciating the small joys in life [[13]].

    Robin Williams:

    The article mentions a quote from Robin Williams, a renowned comedian and actor. The quote states, "You're only given a little spark of madness, you mustn't lose it." This quote emphasizes the importance of embracing one's unique qualities and creativity [[14]].

    Sydney Harris:

    The article features a quote from Sydney Harris, a syndicated columnist and best-selling book author. The quote states, "Whenever I hear somebody sigh 'Life is hard,' I'm always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what?'" This quote challenges the notion of life's hardships by highlighting the importance of perspective [[15]].

    Winnie the Pooh:

    The article includes a quote from Winnie the Pooh, a beloved character from children's literature. The quote states, "People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day." This quote playfully suggests that taking a break and doing nothing can also be valuable [[16]].

    Everyone in 2020:

    The article ends with a quote that reflects the collective sentiment of people in 2020. The quote states, "Here's to another day of outward smiles and inward screams." This quote captures the complex emotions and challenges faced during that particular year [[17]].

    Please note that the information provided here is based on the snippets from the search results and may not cover all aspects of the concepts mentioned in the article.

    17 Short Inspirational Quotes that Will Make Your Day (2024)
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    Name: Melvina Ondricka

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    Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.