50 Funny February Jokes & Puns to Keep You Laughing All Month Long | LoveToKnow (2024)

50 Funny February Jokes & Puns to Keep You Laughing All Month Long | LoveToKnow (1)

February is filled with fun festivities, so what better way to break the ice than with a funny February joke? Then, caption yourpics with playful February puns! These February jokes for kids and adults willscore some laughs and keep everyone in good spirits all month long.

Funny February Jokes About the Month's Many Holidays

Groundhog Day, the Super Bowl, Valentine's Day, and more — February is the month whencelebrations score! If you're looking for some clever things to say during these fun festivities, we have some funny February jokes that you will want to tell during all of this month's activities.

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How are corny dad jokes like Groundhog Day jokes?

You always keep hearing the same puns over and over again!

Do you have a date for Valentine's Day?

Of course! February 14th!

How was George Washington able to live through his 67th birthday?

He had a strong constitution!

Did you know that candy hearts have been around since 1901?

I know — it's heart to believe!

Why is Lent the best time to run a marathon?

That's when you fast!

When does Punxsutawney Phil know to look for his shadow?

When his inner circle tells him to gopher it!

Who should you crown as the king of Fat Tuesday?

The person who is the life of the Mardi!

Did you hear that it's supposed to rain chickens and ducks on National Weatherperson's Day?

What a fowl way to spend their holiday!

Why should you order a burger on Fat Tuesday in New Orleans?

They serve the best French Quarter pounders!

What do you call two people who fall in love on Valentine's Day in South Korea?


What did Sir Mix-a-Lot say during the last play of the Super Bowl?

Oh my goshBecky, look at that punt!

Why did George Washington have trouble sleeping on his birthday?

Because he couldn’t lie!

Did you know that February isHumpback Whale Awareness Month?

I'm not shore if I will celebrate, but I whale let you know.

What kind of fish do Catholics eat on Fridays during Lent?

Holy Mackerals!

Why should you strive to be like the Mardi Gras Parade?

It always has the right moves!

What did Marie Antoinette always say on Fat Tuesday?

Let them eat King cake!

Fantastic February Jokes for Kids to Bring Loads of Laughs

February jokes for kids are perfect for the playground! Parents can also use them as festivelunchbox jokes for their kids to enjoy all month long. No matter how you use them, get ready to giggle.

50 Funny February Jokes & Puns to Keep You Laughing All Month Long | LoveToKnow (2)

Why is February 10th the quietest day of the month?

It's the calm before the score!

What did the florist say to the man who saw the cost of roses in February?

Are you bouquet sir?

Why do crawfish avoid getting into fights in February?

They don't want to end up in hot water!

What do you call a fuddy-duddy born at the beginning of February?

An Asquareius!

Why does coffee always taste better in the second month of the year?


What do you call an amphibianborn on February 29th?

A leap frog!

What do you do at the end of the last day of February?

You March on!

Why can you trust no one in the second month of the year?

It’s Fib-ruary!

What does someone's tombstone read when they die between February 19th andMarch 20th?

Rest in Pisces

What should you wear on February 29th to stay safe?


How do you describe a frog in a Leap Year?

Very hoppy!

Can February March?

No, but April May!

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Festive February Knock-Knock Jokes That Will Keep You Guessing

Knock-knock jokes areclassic quips that use seemingly random words to reveal a festive sentence. These February jokes are bound to surprise and delight you!

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Pun who?
Punxsutawney Phil is about to predict the weather!

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Bayou who?
Bayou a drink for Mardi Gras?

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
I'm cocoa-nuts for Valentine's Day chocolates!

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Soup who?
Soup-er Bowl Sunday is the best time to stew over football scores!

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Cue who?
Cue-pid's arrow is pointed at you!

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Row-ses are red, chocolates are sweet, this Valentine's Day can't be beat!

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February Puns to PerfectlyCaption Your Parties

Our list of February quips would be incomplete without some silly wordplay for you to post ortweet! These fabulously corny February puns are sure to bring lots of fun.

50 Funny February Jokes & Puns to Keep You Laughing All Month Long | LoveToKnow (3)
  • The huddle is real.
  • Don't punx things up, Phil.
  • He rose to the occasion.
  • I like Valentine's Day candies a choco-LOT!
  • Quarterbacks make the best snap decisions.
  • I feel theneed, the need for beads!
  • I'm touchdown for anything! Punt intended.
  • What in carnation is this? A bouquet on Valentine's Day!
  • Be like the groundhog this February — just gopher it!
  • I like big punts and I cannot lie!
  • When it comes to finding people love, I think Cupid just wings it.
  • This Mardi Gras, I want to stand bayou!
  • Don't be like a crawfish this Mardi Gras. They are all hot and buttered!
  • I can heart-ly wait for Valentine's Day!
  • Punxsutawney Phil knows what he's doing, without a shadow of a doubt.
  • Super Bowl Sunday brings nacho average snack spread!

February Jokes & Puns Are So Much Fun

With so much to celebrate, it's hard not to be happy this month! However, if you're looking to bring some extra laughs to your gatherings, February jokes and puns can bring some added amusem*nt.And if you are looking for more laughs, make sure to check out our Valentine's Day jokes for kids and Super Bowl jokes.

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Now, let's dive into the concepts mentioned in this article.

February Jokes:

The article mentions several February jokes related to holidays and events that occur in February. These jokes are meant to bring laughter and lighten the mood during the month. Some examples of these jokes include:

  1. Groundhog Day Joke: "How are corny dad jokes like Groundhog Day jokes? You always keep hearing the same puns over and over again!"
  2. Valentine's Day Joke: "Do you have a date for Valentine's Day? Of course! February 14th!"
  3. Super Bowl Joke: "What did Sir Mix-a-Lot say during the last play of the Super Bowl? Oh my gosh Becky, look at that punt!"

These jokes are playful and can be enjoyed by both kids and adults. They are a fun way to celebrate the various holidays and events that take place in February.

February Jokes for Kids:

The article also includes a section on February jokes specifically for kids. These jokes are suitable for the playground or as lunchbox jokes. Here are a few examples:

  1. February 10th Joke: "Why is February 10th the quietest day of the month? It's the calm before the score!"
  2. February 29th Joke: "What do you do at the end of the last day of February? You March on!"
  3. Leap Year Joke: "What do you call an amphibian born on February 29th? A leap frog!"

These jokes are lighthearted and designed to bring laughter to children throughout the month of February.

Festive February Knock-Knock Jokes:

The article also features festive February knock-knock jokes. Knock-knock jokes are classic quips that use seemingly random words to reveal a festive sentence. Here are a few examples:

  1. Punxsutawney Phil Joke: "Knock, knock! Who's there? Pun Pun who? Punxsutawney Phil is about to predict the weather!"
  2. Mardi Gras Joke: "Knock, knock! Who's there? Bayou Bayou who? Bayou a drink for Mardi Gras?"
  3. Valentine's Day Joke: "Knock, knock! Who's there? Cocoa Cocoa who? I'm cocoa-nuts for Valentine's Day chocolates!"

These knock-knock jokes are designed to surprise and delight with their playful wordplay.

February Puns:

The article also includes a list of February puns that can be used to caption parties or events in February. These puns are meant to be silly and bring a lot of fun. Here are a few examples:

  1. "The huddle is real."
  2. "Don't punx things up, Phil."
  3. "He rose to the occasion."
  4. "I like Valentine's Day candies a choco-LOT!"
  5. "Quarterbacks make the best snap decisions."

These puns can add a touch of humor and creativity to captions for February-related parties or events.

Overall, the article provides a collection of jokes, knock-knock jokes, and puns related to February and its holidays and events. These jokes are meant to bring laughter and joy to both kids and adults throughout the month.

50 Funny February Jokes & Puns to Keep You Laughing All Month Long | LoveToKnow (2024)
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