The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

3 1941 3. 15 THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, MAY 24, The Want Ads Can Be of Service MERCHANDISE REAL ESTATE FOR EMPLOYMENT LIVESTOCK Cats, Pets Musical Instruments 69 and Flats Help Wanted--Male Salary 33 Dogs, HAZELTON upright player piano 50 REAL OPPORTUNITY for A-1 machinist. DR. DONALD M. SNOW, A-1 cheap it taken at once.

COLONNADE APTS. Local machine shop. No age limit. Box VETERINARIAN 2-8443. rolls, Apartments of taste, with unusually fine 671, Union Office.

74 KENWOOD PARK. TEL. 2-4083. appolatments. $48.00 and up.

3 and 4 rma local nut route. $30 a PUPPIES Largo variety to choose from. NEW Leedy Marimba, $225. oct. Allen, Telephone, 7-0781-7-0640 ROUTEMAN.

for $200 cash Riverview Petland, 395 River 84 Highland Westfield. Tel. 1412W. week deposit salary required plus on merchandise. Write Agawam.

Radios 62A COLONY COURT, 158 Maple 4 and 5 commission. the and Distributing Company, Cattle. Vehicles 48 room completely redec. Call E. E.

to West Haven, Conn. Horses, ATLANTIC Electric's, 50th anniversary of- Boswell, Sheraton Hotel (forA-1 SIDEWALL MEN Guaranteed Tear- FOR SALE-15 colors. saddle Four horses work and horses. ponies, L. ficial fair's United checkup Motors.

$1.00 local. 2-3850. Lan- merly 4-2438. Stonehaven) or THE Supt. on premises.

ROOFERS work with good pay. all sizes, round weekly salary Tel. 3-0148, 7-8 p. m. W.

Goodyear, Sunderland, Mass. USED to $16; radio test DESIRABLE APARTMENTS farm. State age, FOR SALE--Two saddle horses. Tal. equipment and all load kinds, of new microphone, and used loud 71 Avon 4 and 3d 6-room floor $40 SINGLE on poultry Hampden E.

Long. Granby, Mass. 30. 4: speaker a 87 Elliot 4 wages. Congdon, farm, radio parts.

E. Falardeau, 65 State from $35 to $50 month STRONG boy, about 18, for near Union Office. FOR pair of horses, age 7 9, Willimansett. 8 Summit 2 rooms SAVINGS $30 some milking. Box 718, SALE--A honest to work and gentle, SPFLD.

INSTITUTION FOR TOOLMAKERS and gagemakers. 133 Top Union pay also 2,00 one pounds, horse 8-years-old, 1500 pounds. Seeds, Plants, Fertilizer 63 TEL. 4-6411 top Varsity Mfg. Sound, work single or double, sell cheap, tested DWIGHT (Cor.

Franklin St.) --4th 6-2950. 79 4-8730. having no use for him. Mrs. Duffey': GRADE A loam, $3 load Rebuilt up.

new A-1 old 5 stm. and hot water, $30. car mechanice, good Main pay. St. Apply Ask Farm, Fort River Inn, Hadley, lawns homes.

Free estimates. Call 4-6226. The HIGH 24-26-Attractive 3-room apts. driveways. Springfeld Balck 630 USED Cliff M.

Highland Landscape. 4-7388 or 3-1650. for 49 asphalt HIGH 35-Near Maple, 4-rm. apartWANTED--A married man, also Farm, a single 2209 Poultry and Supplies HIGH driveways -GRADE laid. loam, Tel.

lawns 4-4828. graded, ment. Call 3-4314. as teamsters. Whiting Tel.

4234. BETTER price for your live poultry. Doty's Mar- LASALLE 15 Edwards 2 AT Northampton Holyoke. envelope Harry Solomon, 1734 Allen St. 4-1774.

ket LOAM--Best Garden, for West any Springfield. purpose. 3-6808. electric stove. Mr.

Clow. 6-5038. WANTED IMMEDIATELY in by Eastern Ohio. ALWAYS test prices paid for poultry. PEPPER, TOMATO, CABBAGE lettuce LOCUST 182-3-room refrigeramanufacturer adjuster located wide range Superman, 993 Memorial W.

8., plants ready now. Wenk's Florists, 128 tion. Tel. 6-4096. AT Experienced machines.

Good salary. Permia- 3-2371. Hanco*ck St. 2-1197. Greenhouses, 1028 MAIN 2462--5 ROOMS AVAILABLE.

nent folding position. Splendid opportunity for CHICKS-Pinecrest, Redo, Rocks, Crosses, Mo- Allen St. Tel. 3-5718. TEL.

6-0693. advancement. Address, ability giving and complete expert- 4 mo. credit, Bernardston grain turn, or Spfid. Booklet 2-6134.

POT GROWN TOMATOES, 25c dozen: MAPLE 145-3. every particulars regarding Box 2530 Murdy's, geranlums, bedding plants. Powell fence, furn. if desired, trig. Apply janitor.

once. Evelopo Manufacturers, CHICK STARTENA-Embryo-Fed Chicka near match factory. Tel. 4-0636. Edward J.

Murphy Realtor. 3-3147. Union Office. -Purina Sanitation Products Lawn Methe's PLOW YOUR GARDEN with a Roto Fill- MAPLE HIGH apartWANTED- shipper Married. and State warehouse age.

Garden Checkerboard Seeds and Stores, Fertilizer 368 Taylor er, John J. Wallace, 999 Parker St. 8519 ments. Tel. 2-8317-3-3647.

man. A-1 references. 489 Worthington 2-2041; TRANSPLANTED, tomatoes in boxes del. PEARL 60-4 rooms. good condition, Box 682.

Union Office. 2-1194; Longmeadow and Westfield. plant cabbage. 6-2698. refrigerator.

$38. Call 6-8381. WANTED AT boy under. East hatches Tues. PEARL 270--6 1st 11., good 25.

516. per week. Immediate morning, and Room PILCH'3 thousands chicks, wkly. Reduced prices. 4-0162 or Wearing Apparel 85 condition, $40.

Call 6-8381. 411, manent. 3d Nat'l Apply Bank Saturday 1387 Main St. T'ville 4730. OPEN sAT SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 11 P.M.

STATE 659-4-rm. apt. G. E. refriger2 men experienced short Meadowview order WANTED-Lge.

We more. chickens, F. J. fowls, Zelazo. brollers 3-2310.

SCHAFFER'S, 12 New Dwight, 4-4047. ator. Tel. 6-2868. 6-rm.

cooks. Good wages. Apply capons. pay STATE 539-Exclusive WANTED Lunch, Thompsonville, Conn. WANTED--About 400 pullets started or Wanted--To Buy 66 elevator, refs.

required. 6-8125. 100 WOODSMEN wanted to peel New pulpwood 'York near laying. Any breed. Spfld.

2-6134. A BEST CASH PRICE STOVES SUMMIT TEL. 4-7813. 14-5 ROOMS. ADULTS In Southern Vermont and and good Wanted--Livestock 50 FOR FURNITURE, RUGS, $12.30.

State, at once. Goodson prices Leyden, FURNITURE OUTLET, Inc. DIAL 4-2766 Johnston Port. A ALL LIVE poultry wanted. I.

Kaplan, 134 A BETTER PRICE FOR ALL KINDS OF TO N. Y. Knollwood St. 3-5403. FURNITURE.

WE BUY EVERYTHING. 1160 Dwight 3-r. 4-r. apt. $28 $30 ESSEX FURNITURE CO.

8-7473. 77 Morgan 5-rm. apt. $35 $35 YOU Male less Help--Salesmen than $40 per MERCHANDISE A-1 82 Linden Phone or 5-rm. Call apt.

for List' 33- A ARE earning are willing to follow in- 51 TOP PRICES PAID FOR STOVES, FUR EDW. J. MURPHY REALTORS If so and you you. ($102) paid Articles for Sale NITURE, RUGS, REFRIG. FORT STREET 1537 Main 3-3147 structions we will train Inves- $12, also lighted FURNITURE MART.

7-1379. last week to leading 1563 Main producer. St. 'All day tourist AMERICAN sign, Flag, 35x16, ready to hang, $1. A-1 TOP PRICES PAID UNION 145--6 3d floor.

Tel. tigate. Rm. 2139 Riverdale W. Spfld.


6-2336 or see janitor. COMBINATION 2-row corn planter. In- UNION 292-Apts. of 2-3-4 $35 quire 16 Denton Circle, city. ANTIQUE modern art.

Tel. furniture, 2-6146. glass, to $55. Call A. St.

Jean. 61-A china, brac, furniture, sil- UNION 308-1st floor, 7 rooms, bath, objrct of Cameras and Equipment ANTIQUES, glass, bric garage. Apply 316 Union St. AAA-1 BELL HOWELL 8 mm demonstrator $39.50. ver.

pictures, haircloth any 3-7041. cond. UNION 328-3-ROOM ELECDISTRIBUTOR desires -Nationally middle-aged known man 13.5. Easy terms. New Camera Luggage guarantee.

Camera RICHMOND 33 Patton. TRIC KITCHEN. TEL. 2-6795. fi as a manufacturer distributor for a territory consistJOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE PAYS CASH for Hampden and Hampshire Coun- Shop, 1688 Main St.

Used Books, Antique Furniture and An- Furnished Apts. and Houses 74A ing ties. of Frequent advertising brings many BLACK $1.26 for 25 white ft. roll. double John 8mm W.

Deely movie (with tiques. 1379. Main St. Dial 2-6221. A BEAUT.

furn. mod. 5-rm. home, very film Assistance given in calling estab- Cheney's). 301 Bridge St.

6-2739. ROOMS AND BOARD convenience. Unusual oppor. Reas. 3-1920 lishing Inquiries.

new contacts AS well as lens, brand new, $50. ANGERS Quality apartments, 3 3 7-0640. rms. 'on old trade. Credit on all live in DOLLINA II, FREEDMAN F2.9 Radio Electric.

Federal St. section. 7-0781 or business from territory. Distributor Accounts 1225 Bain St. Tel.

6-1861. Rooms With Board 67 AUBURN-2143 Main St. Absolute fire must Terms. territory and have No capital priv. bath.

6-9744. financed by manufacturer. who can Business Equipment. 52 REST HOME safety with required. Only active man will be BEAUTIFUL, care, good FOOD BELMONT 300-2-RM.

FURN. stand thorough. Investigation M. Davis HIGH steel bookkeepers desk, linoleum Choice assured our guests. Will APT.

ADULTS. considered. Phone or see Monday H. or. Tues- A top, 3 cabinets with roller shelves.

New 59 call and at your HAPPINESS appt. Box 606, Union. BELMONT 356-FURN. 2 3-RM. at Hotel Charles on and used office furniture on sale at 1 ELEC.

REFRIG. FOREST PK. day, May 26 or 27. for appointment. Vernon St.

SEC. FREE PARKING. 2-3216. BEST VALUES in store fixtures, new AVON cont. h.

57-Large w. Meals. front Tel. 1 2-4279. BRADFORD 38-Beautiful 2-rm.

furn. small used for every business. Pava Store steam heat, hot water, priv. bath Equip. Liberty Heywood BOWDOIN 83-Rooms.

Men only. porch, all brand new furniture. BIG variety, used booths, floor Main cases, Spild. Near Armory. excel.

Adults. Muto. wall cases, at Stein's, 868 COMFORTABLE, double room CAMBRIDGE 96-2-rm. furnished apt. or Female 34 OFFICE furniture, largest stock of new board.

Men home privileges. Tel. on bus line. Adults. Tel.

3-9871. Help--Male and used chairs, tables, files, etc. Hol- 6-3473. 394 St James Ave. home in Longmeadow for 16 GREETING CARD ARTIST3 free WANTED.

lance yoke Auction 521 High Holyoke. HILL SECTION -Excellent board room, next 6 to 9 mos. from June 1st. First Only those who submit on 2523, Union. MEAT SLICER Reasonable.

Inq. V. refined Amer. family, Men pref. 6-4916 class location.

Beautiful grounds. Every basis need apply. Write Box 271 Cold: Spring West ROOMS now avallable at the "Knoll An- Improvement 8 to 10 rms. Box 647, Union. Sinico, 35 Spfid.

(upstairs) nex," 103 Bowdoin home cooking, car HIGH 61-3 kitchenette bath, Female PENNY candy machines (10). Reasonable. accommodations. Call Mrs. Macdonald, adults.

Ring bell 1 or 5. Help--Instruction DAY EVENING classes, practice 3-5017. on Call Holyoke 7632 or 6083. 2-9357 of 6-2655. MAIN 3132-Strand 2 3 rms.

live models. 167 State St. POOL TABLES and shoe shine equip- 15 MIN. from city, nice room with piazza $5.50 to $7.50 wk. Excellent serv.

in Help-Instruction 35A ment, sell cheap. 61 Main Chicopee and grounds. Rear. Tel. 4-2480.

OSWEGO heat, hot 65--2 water, 3-rm. all furn. modern. MACHINE FIELD Falls. Board 68 steam Male THE WELDING BE and 53 Rooms Without PRINCETON 49-3 attrac.

rms. with OFFERS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES Boats and Accessories A BRIGHT well -furnished steam heat, bath, Ige. closets, sc. preh. bus.

cou. 6-3504 Wage scales are way up and trained complete men BEST buys In outboards. See "Larry" King, with mother daughter. Tel. 2-6187.

SPRING 59-Newly decorated 3 are malong money. We give a Shop King, Southwick, evenings. 8138. A CLEAN ROOM -Very central. 68 Tem- rm.

apta, everything ready for housecourse in Welding and shop Machine equipment. BOATS motors, supplies, Evinrude, Elto ple St. Mrs. Field. Tel.

2-0331. keeping. Reas. Mrs. Woodard.

practice using regular COME IN motors. DeMontigny Sales 832 State A new treat In comfort. Studio style rms. UNION ST.1 292-3 rms. furn.

Available PHONE WRITE OF PRACTICAL St. Open evenings, 8 o'clock. Innerspring mattresses. New maple fur- June 1st. Will rent reas.

Everything SPRINGFIELD TRAINING SCHOOL BOATS--Johnson Sea Horse outboard mo- niture. The Westmor, 52 High St. complete. Inq. Apt.

No. 1. TEL. 4-9355. tore.

Repairing all 568 makes. Main Open St. AT 70 CHAPIN -Near Spild. WILL sublet for July Aug. small furn.

WINTER M. TO 10 P. M. DAILY nings. Crandall one large pleasant rm.

Lady. 4-5943. home. Central. Gar.

Refs. Tel. 3-0413. SPFLD. 9 A CHAMPION outboards.

More power per 36 Cor. North Cleveland, ATTRACTIVE room, shower, free parking, SALEM 15--3 rms. furnished, 2d fl. Situations Wanted--Female dollar. Wyant.

optional. Gentleman preferred. 6-6484. Tel. 4-8810 or 6-4277.

COMPANION- Housekeeper Tel. for elderly 2-9870. per- Feeding seam seals, paints, boats, AT 11 Myrtle St. Clean alry rm. Near SHERATON HOTEL (formerly the StoneCOME or elderly couple.

37 MARINE motors GLUES, accessories. Beique's, 134 2. High BARNES Armory. $3.50. HOTEL-837 Kit priv.

Main M. Shean, running 2-7103. pletely haven), 70 fireproof Chestnut apartment modern hotel, 1, 2, com- 3, Situations Wanted--Male Holyoke. trailer, shower. $3.50 $4.

Tel. 6-9607. rooms, furn. unrurn. Newly decorated graduate, now office 25 FT.

CABIN motor boat water, furnished. ATTRACTIVE RATES. BAY desires PATH position, Spild. or vicinity. Capa- cheap.

Vesce's Bike Shop. 3922. COOLIDGE HOTEL--Dally rates, Free Your inspection invited. Excellent food. accounting.

Age Products 55 weekly Main rates, St. $4, Tel. $5, $6. 4-3580. E.

E. Boswell, Manager. Tel. 4-3141. ble shorthand, typing, Married.

Box 633 Union. Farm and Dairy parking. 2787 25, work of all kinds. First-clasa FOR SALE-1000 qts. of skimmed milk EXCEPTIONAL arrangem't.

1 or gentle- ROOMS furn. 21 A Protestant, Sheldon St. Call aftCARPENTER daily. Call 7-2278. men.

Priv. bath. shower, gar. Reas. 3-0026.

ernoons. nien. Tel. 3-9789. priv.

3-ROOM furn. modern, very central. EXPERIENCED watchman Box desires Union employ- Off. Household Goods 59 HILL home, single SECTION--Nicely or twin beds, furn. board opt.

Available June 1st to Sept. 15th. 2-4904. ment, A-1 references. A-1 GOOD CAMP FURNITURE! 6-5585.

hoine in desirable Park location. $1,00 HOTEL HAWKINS, 1340 Main comf. Nicely furn. Garage. Reas.

4-8178. Parlor Sets (Clean) $6.50 running water, $3, $5. Others. Business Places for Rent A FINANCIAL Beds. Springs, Mattresses Business Opportunities 38 Dining 4 Sets Chairs (Solid) $6.00 HOTEL CLINTON-1976 Main, home like, A GOOD location for store in a trading $12.50 SHOP, 2 chair, Ideal loc.

Price Table Studio Couches $4.95 running water in rates $4 wkly. up. center of 16,000. Box 2431 Union Office. reas.

BARBER Terms. 656 Kings Highw'y. W. Spfld Oil Heaters $3.00 $3.95 LARGE single double preferred. room.

Priv. 3-4409. fam. CHESTNUT 191-Approximately 4600 6 days. Odd Divans $14,50 Park sec.

Gentleman 80. sprinkiers, freight and passenger EST. nighta. restaurant. Factory income.

Sickness. Box Enameled Comb. Range. $8.00 PEARL 57-Large pleasant front rm. elevator.

John J. Fish, 3-4848. trade. Union Office. Tel.

3-0340. Washing Machines $1:00 Weekly suitable 2 or more gents. Marion Brennan DESIRABLE STORES AVAILABLE FOR SALE HOTEL, village hotel, FURNITURE OUTLET, Inc. 1049 family, excel. location and nicely furn.

919 Dwight 15x30 $20 STEPHEN- OPEN MAIN. PORTLAND near bath, priv. 1348 Dwight 12x35 $20 TOWN, N. 18-room all furnished; mo- A BANNER bargain, 20 sq. yds.

Felt base 138-Beautifu! large room. 029 Main st. 16x60 Heat furnished $35 year round business; and package li- linoleum, $4.93, Free delivery. Union Furn. SPRING Also small room near bath.

465 Main St. 18x42 $28 dern, with Price if liquor, sold beer at once, $8000 or 994 Main. Open Eves. running water. Desir- CALL 6-8381 cense.

reason BARGAIN! Entire KITCHEN STATE 786-Attractive rms. $5000 cash, balance on time. and Only conducted A covered BANNER up to 20 sq. yds. Heavy Felt able location.

Reasonable. Call 7-0217. FULLY equipped store in Holyoke. Modern Ice it is for sale--is owned to retire. FREE Delivery, WORTHINGTON 1104-Large room cream, grocery or restaurant.

by an aged couple wishing place for Base $6.95. OUTLET, 1049 MAIN. with priv. bath. Also small room, maple apartment adj.

Kelly, Holyoke 7281. License $135 a year, A. real Route 22. and FURNITURE $30 furn. 4-5464.

INDUSTRIAL SPACE younger couple on corner about 1800. AT Wholesale Furn. Warehouse. 15 Reg. Hampden.

FOR RENT Route 43. Town of innerspring matt. "$14.93. Rooms tor Housekeeping 69 LET US give you a good paying Street. business.

AT EDWARD'S Furn. Watch our town." show- CLEAN ROOM -Very central, adults. 5000 ft. Ground floor, fireproof, Shah Realty 1618 Main window specials. talk of the Field.

Tel. 2-0331. central location, concrete floor. MEAT rent. Groceries.

Restricted Loug zone. Good AT 890 MILLER'S FURNITURE, 1935 MAIN BRADFORD 38-Beautiful large furn. streets. Suitable for manufacturing. established.

State St. Open eves. Tel. 6-3261. Temple St.

Mrs. now boller, truck entrances from two Very low offer refused. Maple Sets. Bed, rooms, steam heat, warehousing or garage space. Before business.

May 36th. Tel. 4-8200 Dresser, Chest. $29.50. hot water.

all brand new furniture. cupancy June 1.. No reasonable Special purchase, 3-pc. light housekeeping Rox 888, Union Office. AT THE WHOLESALE Fur.

wrhae. Cus- Adults. Muto. 28,000 sq. ft.

Manufacturing space on PROSPER in Longmeadow. beauty loca- tom living rooms at wholesale prices. 15 HILL 2 clean pleas. furn. per wk.

young 4-0155 and 3d floors. well lighted, tion for Meat Market Hardware, Hampden St. married couple pref. $6.50 sprinklered heated, two elevators, parlor 6c to $1, store. 3-5206, I BALLOON Chairs several shades.

HILL-3 clean pleas. furn. voung central location, R. R. siding, loading SMOKE SHOP in Westfield.

Rd. oBest loc. Southwick Inq. Reg. priced $39.50 to Upholstering $39,50, now married coup.

pref. $6.50 per wk. 4-0105. platforms, rood parking apace, avallAnthol, Point Grove only. $18.50.

Springfield near State. HOLYOKE 45-2-rm. furnished apt. able July 1st. WANTED MAN to operate Super operating.

Service Awning 32 Dwight maple tables All modern. 10,000 sq. Manufacturing space, 1st Station. good location, nOw Apply Sinclair BOUDOIR CHAIRS Proctor-Flanagan, and 1213 Main MAIN 2882-Jefferson louse, house- floor. modern day-light factory buildRent gallonage baste.

Mass. $2 up. 3-9794. keeping, and sleeping rms. Tel.

3-5321. Ing, sprinklered, heated, live Refining West Springfield. near State St. MAPLE 81-Large rm. for light available, 'large parking facilities, Bus.

Opportunities Wanted 38-A 5 DELUXE cu, like Westinghouse, new. 3 elec. Londergan also single gas, refrig. best location in city of its kind. refrigerator.

liquors. Box to buy 3017, Union package Office, Holyoke. all East Longin. GASOLINE 2-2873. stove, excellent rms.

ORLEAN8 $5.60. 94-3d Inq. 49 Orleans. sep. 3-2709.

7-0231 HENRY M. 100 CLARK Broadway REALTOR. DE LUXE Tel. 8024. PORTLAND 29--2-3 nicely furn.

Personal Financing 39 condition, very reasonable. hot water, gas range, porch. Gar opt. REASONABLY 13x46 PRICED STORES problems. Loans $30 furn.

DRESDEN for 60-8 Call after rms. 5 of p. m. UNION 180-Near Maple, 1 or 3 ring. 684 Ferry Sumner St.

10x38 $12 up-to-date ABANDON MONEY to $300. Household Finance Corpora- cu. like for light hskpg. Also sleeping rooms. Hanco*ck St.

13x24, heated $25 tion. License 189, 6-0351. ELECTROLUX Gas Refrig. be 5 557 WANTED- No children to live in THE ELLIS CORPORATION. Tel.

6-8381. BILLS-988 First Per- new, $85 St. lat cash. floor. May seen priv.

home with owner. Kitchen priv. 44. sonal ABANDON Bankers, on Court Square, 21 Liberty 1616 Dartmouth T' Ville, Ct. Tel.

5113. Houses for Rent ALL Elm St. License 222. Tel. 2-4158.

GRAY comb. oll-gas stove; Spfld. 4-1369. ROOMS for light housekeeping in priv, 1ST class 8 oil heat, best locagood AUTO LOANS--New low. rates, Owner's bargain.

34 home. Near Liberty School. Tel. 4-5513. tion.

Call 2-8032. Jenness, signature only. Springfield Tel. Finance 4-3139 Co. MAGIC CHEF- Gas.

black. Excel. cond. table Mov- top 70 ATTRACTIVE RENTALS Inc. 1490 Main St.

License 77. range, ivory Tel. 3-2575 betw. 11 a.m. 1.

Vacation Places FEW RENTS AVAILABLE ACT NOT ON YOUR NAME ONLY ing away. DAY BED, 832 Belmont CLINTON BEACI Carrie's Inn on the 500 Worthington 5 3d oll fl. 43 $18 PUBLIC LOAN CORP. MAHOGANY Sound. Boating, bathing.

For rates write 167 Pineywoods 6 LOANS 3A Nat. Bank Bldg. 3-6607. License 163. upatairs.

Carrie's, Clinton Beach, Conn. 226 Ft. Pleasant rms. LOANS to $300 on your own signature. 1561 RUGS--Big cleaned, savings, repaired.

also used Orchard rugs Rug bought, PLAN TO REST TIRED NERVES and 13 SPFLD. Norwood INSTITUTION 7 FOR upper SAVINGS The New Method Finance License 60. 258 sold, Worcester Indian: Orchard. Open restore "PEP" at our lakeside farm TEL. 4-6411 Main St.

Tel. 4-2137. eves. 8-1017. home in MAINE.

Scenic surroundings. LOANS ON YOUR SIGNATURE CO. RUGS--Factory prices. Wiltons. Axmin- Two-minute walk to bathing.

boating Hillcreat Ave. --8 2 baths, oll heat, AVAILABLE-LONGMEADOW PERSONAL FINANCE Hunt Shea, mill 810 and fishing. Own farm products, home $85.00. Farmington 9 rms. and 3 Main St.

Rm. 209, Bowles 4-1191. Rids. sters. Enfeld T'Ville 4571.

Open till 9. cooking. Modern conveniences. Folder, baths. SPRINGFIELD-Colony Court Apts.

License 73. Tel. 'views on request. LOCK BOX 25, perfect condition, June 1, $70.00. PERSONAL LOANS RUGS--Factory b'looms.

prices. White Am. Rug Orlentals, MIll Ax- CHINA, MAINE. Inq. R.

B. KEMPTON. 33 Elm St. 3-6838. SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL minsters, 1123 State St.

Open eves. 2-8058. ROOMS for transients, dollar a night, 5c BERKSHIRE 139-Attrac. cor. BANK Main Bridge and Branches fare N.

Y. C. Mrs. Nichols, 43-53 Smart rm. cottage, 3-car gar.

Inq. 29 MarlMoney field makes. Harold G. Thompsonville Moore, 4396. Open eves.

BERKELEY 33-Single to Loan 10 RUGS- -Bigelow, 555 En- Flushing. N. Y. borough St. Roxbury, and 11 good AUTO LOANS full alze key- REAL ESTATE FOR RENT good oil heat, 2-C.

$50. 6-8381 Immediate $300 to Service SP'INET board. piano, Sacrifice for quick sale. 2-4218. CAREW 8T.

rooms, upper, oil heat. $1000 almost new. MOTOR ACCEPTANCE SUMMER CAMP- Furniture of every de- Apartments and Flats 71 ('all 3-3802. 510 MAIN ST. TEL.

6-9084. scription, sep pieces or complete room 78 Belmont 3 rms. Tel. 2-9063 CENTRAL 43--5 rooms. good condiCASH PAID or loaned on watches, for sale.

dia- outfit. Call 3-2576 between 11 a.m. 1. 59 Fort Pleasant 3. rms.

6-6542 4-2566 tion, $20. Call 6-8381. 3 monds, unredeemed diamonds WINDOW SHADES--Make your home at- 120 Central rms. 3-8038 CUNNINGHAM rms. oll, Court Sq.

Jewelers, 1265 Main St. tractive. make them to order and 88 Elliot 3 batha. 2-c. gar.

NOW AVAILABLE. E. MORTGAGE MONEY for refinancing F. also do repairing. 62 Vernon Springfield St.

6-3143. Window All Residential ELECTRIC looms BEAUMIER APTS. 2-2859 D. Johnson. 6-7294.

homes or new home construction. St. Shade Mfg. Beat 5 6-1640 ESSEX 118-3 newly decorated rms: Scheufler Mortgage 113 State: WORTH LOOKING INTO- Sections 3d floor. $14 month.

Inq. 116. 6-5467. quality great savings, honest values. Office at Beaumier Square VOREST PARK 163-9 single, PHILLIPS-33 Harrison Ave.

Tel. 2-9105, ANGERS QUALITY. APARTMENTS modern, baths, oil heat. Excellent conINSTRUCTION 12 ROOMS OF ROOMINGHOUSE FURNI- Federal 2. 7-0640, 7-0781 dition, 3-car garage.

Tel. 6-8381. 44 TURE. CALL 6-7713. 94 Oswego 3 and rooms.

6-8801 FLORIDA ST -Cor. Worthington 6 Musical, Dancing. Dramatic 60 53 Ft. Pleasant A rooms 3d fl. Heated.

Ilot water. Garage, LEARN TO DANCE the Rumba Mme. Con- Jewelry and Watches 300 H. Locut F. ANGERS rooms INC.

3-4344 $70. D. F. Morin 1570 Main, 6-4591. EA.

Plano, accordion guitars, CASH for diamonds. old gold, silver, plat- LETFRED 60-Adults, upper 5 Beauregard' School of Music, 1634 inum. M. J. KITTREUGE, 1364 APARTMENTS SC.

porch, steam. Range, fine loc. Main' St. 2-6317. Main St.

Tel. 6-0373. Worthington St. 2 rooms, floor. 5 bus lines, 45 LONGINES -World's Most Aviation.

Honored Change Watch Holland 1570 MAIN Fay, ST. 6-4591 4-8113 Private Instruction for Graduation and D. F. MORIN FOR A RENT: STENOGRAPHIC, Secretarial, Bookkeep- old watches for new; cash for old gold, ASHLEY 100--3 rms. 2d You.

can buy many homes cheaper than LOOKING ing courses open now. Catalog free. Bay silver, diamonds, antique jewelry. G. Watch- C.

HIGH 210--4 1st. fl. 6-4277 you can rent them. Come in and Path Institute, 100 Chestnut St. 6-2704.

es, clocks, Jewelry repaired. BYERS 76-3 modern Grimes, 2d Bookstore Bldg. 2-0118. MYRTLE 30-4 1st fl. SPFLD.

FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK LIVESTOCK Machinery and Tools 61 J. WERNICK SONS TEL. 6-4277 1319 Main St. Tel. 7-1451 Doge, Cats.

Pets 47 FOR SALE Used Fordson tractor, reas. ATTRACTIVE Myrtle Ter. Tel. 2-3991. NOEL lower, mod.

ht. h. 5-rm. newly rent cat, also some and equipped disc with harrow. Wico Magneto Reasonable.

4-1391. BELMONT 301-5-ROOM APART- w. furn. elec. range, car.

Adults $50 4-3545 with plow kittens. Tel. 4-5787. MENT. TEL.

2-1086. PARK rm. upper. Excel. house.

BLUE CROSS--Full grown female pups. Arthur FOR SALE--Lawn mower grinder with all steam beat, Adults only. W. H. Feltham Son 3-8641 BOSTON TERRIER, equipment.

Raymond M. Hastings. 35 BELMONT Malone, 51 Park Holyoke. Tel. 2-3354 Fairlawn Hazardville, Conn.

cont. bot water, refrigeration. $45 month. RUPPERT rooms, upper, duplex. co*ckER spaniels, black, red 98 buff, Whittier.

wire HANDY quick-change lathe, 14x6; South 4-2035. $30. TEL. Tel. 6-5258.

haired terriers. Price reas. Bend bench lathe, Logan presses, lathes, BELMONT AVE. --3 ROOMS. TWO FAMILIES- SPRINGFIELD colors $10 up.

police, milling machines, drill presses, motors, 7-1088. 77 Silver rooms Holyoke 835 6409 mo, co*ckER spaniels cute all crossbreds. Lewis, 1139 small tools. Also Duro Wood- BELMONT 199-4-5-6-rm. apts.

All Allyn O'Donnell. 925 High, Allen shephards, St. belting working and machinery. Springfield Auction modern, shower, brkfst. nook, Frigid.

WEST Northwood 8-7 ENGLISH Shepherd puppies. (Sheep herd- 769 Dwight St. 4-8896. Adults. 6-8153.

nil. ex. gar. instinct). Robert Irwin, Suffield.

3000 FT. STEEL ROLLER CONVEYER. BRADFORD 53-4 rms. All newly ROGERS 209, 7 6-7294. gar.

$68. ing opportunity, pedigreed Roller bearing. McCabe Engine Lathe. dec. Adults.

6-3267 after 6. F. 1. Johnson Company. EXCEPTIONAL setter let pups.

fine shooting stock. Two 6" pipe-threading machines. Two 6" CENTRAL 83-4 large rooms and kit. WILBRAHAM 207--4 modern. co*cker English pups.

Very cheap; must sell im- power -driven pipe-threading machines. arranged for 2 bedrooms. Adults. Unheated. 3d floor, $20.

mediately. G. Borger, Mansfield City Large selection Products of 550-volt motors. Tel. 7323, CHESTNUT 405-2d floor.

5 WILLIAM 4-rm. 1 mi. off Route 32, Eagleville, solidated steam, hot water, janitor. Tel. 6-2950, ment.

$15. Inquire 92 William 66 Cons. Holyoke, Mass. To You ESTATE FOR Houses for Rent 77 WOODSIDE 133--6 rms, modern, oil sunroom, Exceptionally nice rent, heat, garage, $55. Call WORTHINGTON half house, steam, only $38.

Convenient to down town. Available June 1, 6-3637. Offices and Desk Room 78 OFFICES-Airy, light, modern, elevator, fireproof, $12 to $25. MARKARIAN 175 State 8t. Tel.

3-0816. DESIRABLE office space for rent in Springfield Five Cents Savings 7-1451. Bank Building. 1319 Main St. Tel.

TOURAINE State St. jani- Mod. office space $15 up. Elevator and tor service. Tel.

6-8381. Suburban for Rent 4-ROOM country, all conveniences. Monson N. Wilbraham. M.

Dragon, 158 ring 12 K. Summer Places for Rent 80 GOOSE POND. Lee, 5 rm. waterfront lot; cottage, rent or glassed sell. Markham, 115 Main, Lee.

in boat, elec. Extra FALLS on Reservoir. Furn 2-rm. cottage. Accommodates 5.

Season $100. P. C. Rote, E. Otis, Mass.

BLACK -Niantic. 7-rm. cottage; all elec. kitchen, large screened porch, firepl. Reduced rate.

June. Reas. 4-8178. COTTAGE-Congamond Lake, 4 elec. run.

water. Call Spfld. 6-0029. Maelene Lodge, Central for sale or CRESCENT BEACH Niantic, rent, 7-rm. cottage, 4 screened porch, frigidaire, elec.

stove, fireplace, beautifully located. Owner 5-6836. at Premises on Sun. Tel. Hartford FOREST LAKE -Furn.

cott. Rent or sell. boat. 16 Walnut, Palmer. Tel.

31. HAMPTON PONDS -Furnished waterfront cottages, modern conveniences. Dial Epstein, HolJoke 7632 or Holyoke 5437. Inq. 443 Maln Holyoke.

Mass. HAWK'S NEST BEACH, Old Lyme, Conn. Reasonably priced waterfront cottages, morial Day week-end a special electric stoves, Frigidaires; boats. Mealso by week; season. H.

P. GARVIN, Tel. 3-0426, Hartford, Ct. LAKE front cottage. For rent.

Month of June. Warriner. Congamond Lake Shores. South Pond, Southwick. Call Sunday.

LAKE WICKABOAG-Pleas. shore cott. Rent for season. Tel. 8-1052 after 8 p.m.

LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE, N. H. -Modern four-room cottage, $25 per week. E. K.

Allen, 204 Forest Park Mass MODERN lakefront cottage. electricity, running water: screened porches: boat. 15 min. to Spflu. Box 2531, Union Off.

NORWICH LAKE--Furnished cottages for rent and sale. C. I. McKinney, Tel. 2171, Huntington, Mass.

SPOFFORD LAKE, N. cottage. as modern as a city home. Built for personal use and now available for rent this season. Inquire W.

H. Huestis, Brattlehoro, Vt. v. Wanted--To Rent 81 WIDOW wants 4 clean mod. rooms in desirable location.

Not over $19 unless heated. Must have for June 1st. Box 715. Union Office. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Business Property 82 APT.

block In Spfld. All five rms. All rented. Will sell cheap. Box 3016, Union Office, Holyoke.

Real Estate Agents 828 EDW. J. MURPHY EST. 1892 Sales, mortgages, property management, leasing, appraising, Insurance, consultants buying selling. 1637 Main St.

3-3147. A. D. G. WEBSTER Large selection of dwellings.

33 Elm Street. Phone 4-4988 Houses for Sale 8 c's HOUSE HUNTING use Macmillan Myers' LISTING SERVICE 154 Broadway 6-8338 A-1 1 HOMES -LONGMEADOW Glen -Most attractive, 7 baths, insulated, air -conditioned. Also two new houses in course of construction-se6 plans. Longmeadow new. very attractive-? 2 baths, $11,500.

Attractive 8 rms. and 3 batha, oil heat, $9500. FOREST PARK-Eton 6 thoroughly reconditioned, like new. $6500. Bellevue Avenue, excellent house, perfect condition, exceptional grounds, very reasonable.

R. B. KEMPTON, 33 Elm 3-6838. BARGAIN- -Bungalow 5 garage, off Boston Rd. Must sell $3500., $300 down.

4-1433. FEW attrac. priced singles in field and vicinity, small down payments. Easy terms. Tel.

3-9244. REAL investment in West Spfld. Riverdale Section. 17 Massasoit 3 fam. house, plenty of land for gardens.

Near school and bus line. This is an. opportunity to combine home and investment, $3500. Fullam-Speed. 3-0193.

ARDMORE E. 6-rm. cottage, 2-car gar. Now root and paint, min. to Westinghouse school.

$3400. Call 2-7096. ARE you looking for home in the outskirts? Investigate 750 Parker St. Large lot. 2-car garage.

Modern house. Spfld. Safe Deposit Trust 127. State St. 7-4321.

BELVIDERE 06-Modern 6 pert oil heat, attached garage, large lot $6500, Terms. Call 6-8381. BEST SPRINGFIELD BUYS "Certified Value" homes. price-tagged NOT by owners but by independent board of real estate experts. Many desirable singles, others, available.

Watch for Mart signs or phone 4-8425 for list of cooperating brokers. CERTIFIED REAL ESTATE MART: 1323 Main cor. E. Court, 3d Floor BLUNT PK. -New well-built 6 sun gar.

attached, air-cond. 3-7713. CALIFORNIA Village, 62 56 Mandalay Rd. 3 now Cape Cod cottages, summer air-cooled. Dean Rush.

Tel. 2-5725. CARROLL ST. -(Of Tiffany) new 6-rm. cottage, garage, screened porch, matic heat.

insulation, storm windows doors. $5250. Tel. 3-0341. HILL SEC.

rm. house, 2-car good condition. Bargain. $3800. Tel.

7-0419. INDIAN ORCHARD-Brana new 5-rm. cottage, modern in every detail, extras, priced to sell. Box 625, Union Office. E.

Ardmore 6-rm. single and gar. $3600. -town owner must sell. A.

G. Taylor 3-9818. E. Westinghouse, 6-room bungalow and steam, up to date in every way, $3950. $500 cash.

A. G. Taylor 3-9818. EL PASO 390-(Off Page Bird.) Sale. 6 gar.

$3750. Terms. 6-8381. HARKNESS AVE-5-rm. Cape Cod, oil heat.

hard street. Tol. 2-1749. INVESTORS: LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN 29-31 Allendale Street. 4-family house, good condition.

all rented. Rents 163 month: rost to own. including taxes, interest and principal payments only $39 per month. Price $3500. SPFLD, FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK Real Estate Department, 1319 Main St.

Tel. 1-1451 r- LAFAYETTE 33-Single, 9-rm. home in McKnight sectian. Spfid. Safe Deposit Trust 127 State, 7-4321.

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Money to Loan As They 7 THE BEST BUT IN EAST EPRINGFIELD 423 PAGE Two-family, six rooms each Cash $100. floor, Rents twocar garage. Price $4300, $60, Monthly cost only 816.33 reduction. to cover taxes, interest and mortgage SPFLD. FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK Real Estate Department 1319 MAIN 6T.

TEL. 7-1151 ESTATE FOR SALE! for Sale 84 LONG-190 Laurel St. Near school. 3-9627. 7 oil, gar.

Lot 77x150. Owner. Ideal place for children. School near by. LONGMEADOW 6-rm, bungalow.

gar. Reas. for quick sale. Inq. 114.

Meadow Longmeadow. LONGMEADOW Fernleat Ave. Unusual opportunity oil to heat; purchase well-built home. 2-rar gar. $7000.

Scott; Realtor, 1-7083. MARSDEN 182-Dutch Colonial 6 7-1361. rms. Sunporch, 'stm. heat, $5600.

MIDDLESEX 207-gingle, 6 2-car gar. part brick, $6800. Terms. All financed. Call 6-8381.

all modern, oil heat, MILLER 13 3 Sheehan, $5000, down. James T. 1653 Main 4-8719-4-0253. NEAR Van Horn 7-rm. single, new plumbing furnace.

Bargain, $3500. King Real Estate, 3-5488. NOW is the time to buy. Santa Ready Barbara for pc10 cupancy 2 June family, steam, $4800. $4800.

Page 12 10 steam, steam, $5000. Monrovia $3000. 13 These well-located houses can be family. steam, garage. purchased for down and a long.

term mortgage. 100 Broadway Tel. 7-0231 or 7-0332 HENRY M. CLARK REALTOR PLATEAU 48 (West Spfld.) -6 Monthly oll heat: garage. Terms.

budget plan it desired. Tel. 6-8381. PERSHING 34-Single 6 6-8381. good condition.

$3900. Terms. $4300. R. H.

FLAGG, REALTOR, 19 RUSKIN 17-19-Modern 2-family, only Elm 6:8394. SUMNER 166-2-family with 5 cond. rms. to each apt. Steam heat.

Good Spild. Safe Deposit Trust 137 State St. 7-4321. SUMNER 1027-Mod. 2-family, income 13 rooms, replace, gar.

Mouthly $62. Price $5500. Terms. Call 6-8381. TEXEL Beautiful 6-rm.

brick. oil, 2-c. immediate sale. Seltzer, 4-6936. TODAY'S OUTSTANDING HOUSES BUYS IN THREE-FAMILY NOEL 5-5-5 rooms, steam heat.

$3500 Monthly income $79 23 ALLENDALE. Monthly Inc. $67. $3500 6-6-5 rooms, 33 steam BRIGHAM units. Monthly 6-6-6 inc.

rooms, $64 82 air heat, MONMOUTH 2-car car. Inc. $75 5-5-4 warm. 17 cond. WINDSOR 2-car garage.

5-5-5 Income $78 $5500 excell. 12 heat. MORRIS Monthly Income $90 6-6-6 steam MANY OTHERS Call Our Real Estate Department SPFLD. INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS Tel. 4-6411 or Tour Broker 20 APARTMENT blocks, Holyoke, Holyoke.

without heat. Write Box 3015, Union Lots for Sale 85 large ATWATER lots. Strictly residential. 6-8381. PARK Attractive, desirable BALIS lots.

make mo: an offer. George W. ST. -Corner Chatham nice Fred Gartner, 412 E. Thamkins, care.

Broadway, Milford. Conn. 3 BUILDING LOTS FOR PRICE OF ONE. CALL 6-8949. -50x150 in East $10 Forest month.

Park. E. Beau- F. tiful trees. $250.

SETLER. 138 Broadway. 3-3816. Summer Property for Sale 86 AT QUEEN LAKE. Philipston.

rm. summer cottage: 200 ft. waterfront. Write F. T.

Sinervo, 26 Foss Gardnor. Mass. BEACH PARK POINT- Clinton. Conn. modern For sale, 2 new waterfront 7-rm.

cottages. Open for inspection. 3-0426. Easy terms. H.

P. Garvin, Tel. ford, Conn. BECKET-Larse lots, Center Lake; Fred $173 up. Terms.

Right of way Main to St. Jake. 2-3167. Vogel, Realtor, 1252 Suburban for Sale A ITAMPDEN barn, HOME acres land Bath. electricity, poultry Large house, L.

C. Davis, Real Estate, East Longmeadow NEAR W. S. Town Hall, mod. 3 family.

Off. Gar. big lot. $3500. Box 685, Union CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Houses for Sale I FOR SALE WILBRAHAM RD.

481 room modern single, screened porch, garage. $4700 TERMS All Financed Tel. 6-8381 Auction Sale AUCTION SALE FOR LOCAL BANK 582 Union Street, Springfeld Seven- Room House Over 14,000 square feet of land 113.09 feet on Union Street 132 feet on. Terrence Street To Be Held on the Premises Saturday, May 24, 1941, at 11 4. im.


Tel. 4-3193 Room 500 License 77 give our and physicians will Repay. gladly cooperate. fitted $180 $12 $240 $15 LOANS PAY THE ment See YOUR M-A-C income. soon.

$300 $400 INCLUDE $20 INTEREST PRINCIPAL 1383 ST. SPRINGFIELD (2nd floor) Phone 2-5155 discount Johnson's Bookstore Bldg.) Have To REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Suburban for 'Sale 87 AT CLIFFSIDE du Wilbraham. Fine, large lots for homes. Francis H. Taft, owner.

field St. Bathroom, city water, electricity: Tel. 4-3821 or 2-3920. FEEDING HILLS-8-room house on a Spring2 acres land with hen house. orchard and small fruits.

Reasonable. Tel. 4-6038. VILLE-15, Martin Ter. Mod.

6-rm. cottage. 3-car gar. Martin, 4-5740. TWO COTTAGES-6 garage, garden.

water, $3200 each. $300 cash. Tel 753. W. S.

Champlin, E. Longmeadow. W'. SPELD HILL-? family. 14 rooms.

garage, good locality, central to Box schools. 673 churches, 1 fare, good buy, Union Office. 100 A 20 tillable: firewood, stream. State Road. Arthur Ford.

Dalton, Mass. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Automoblle Instruction Auto Driving Instruction Course $10 Laporte Auto School, 80 Broadway, 3-1411 Driving course, $10. School Est. 1909. Fairbanks Auto School.

41 New Dwight. DRIVING Lessons, We call for you. Course Park Auto School-6-7490 Miscellaneous LOANS OR WATCHES CASA JEWELRY DIAMONDS SPRINGFIELD JEWELRY LOAN co. Est. 1918 1618 Main Bowles Bldg Automobiles for Sale TRADEPONTIAC INS "The Cars With Appeal" '35 Chev.

2-Dr. Trk. Sedan $175 '36 Chev. 2-Dr. Trk.

Sedan $195 '37 Chev. Trk. R. H. $325 '34 Ford Coach 95 '35 Ford Coach $115 '39 Olds.

6 2-Dr. Trk Sedan $565 '41 Plymouth Coupe '35 Pontiac 6 Trk. Sedan '37 Pontiac 6 2-Dr. Sedan $325 '40 Pontiac 8 Trk. Sedan $685 Many Other -All Makes Models Your Terms Are Our Terms GENDEN Inc.

Authorized Pontiac Sales Service 2387 MAIN ST. CORNER MORGAN ST. OPEN EVENINGS CHRYSLER '40 Plym. DIx. Trg.

Sedan $645 '40 Chrysler Windsor Luxury Brougham '40 De Soto Trg. Sedan '40 Mercury Trg. Sedan $795 '40 Hud. Super 6 Trg. Sed.

$695 '39 Chrys. Royal Trg. '39 Dodge Trg. Sedan '39 Chev. Sedan Delivery '39 De Soto Brougham '39 Ford Trg.

Sedan '38 Packard Trg. Sedan '37 Stude. Trg. Sedan $395 '37 Packard 120 Trg. Sed.

$395 '37 Graham Trg. Sedan $295 '37 De Soto Trg. Sedan '36 Chrysler 6 Trg. Sedan $295 '36 Ford Sedan $225 '36 La Salle Trg. Sedan '36 Olds.

Trg. Sedan '36 Packard Club Sedan '36 Studebaker Trg. Sedan $345 Ralph D. Jones, Inc. DISTRIBUTORS 2 721 WORTHINGTON ST.

PLYMOUTH Others Ash 98c FRANKLIN HARDWARE CORP. 1943 Main St. Near Franklin 3-1076 Card $1.50 up TIRES Greenwood HODGE TIRE Dwight Dusted. Shampooed. Repaired.

RUGS 504 SPFLD. St. James STEAM Ave. CARPET 2-8118 CO. 9x19 Tapestry Dust Cleaned and RUGS steam Carpet Clean, sterilized 96 State $1.50, St.

Crescent 2-6039 MATTRESSES OVER $2.50 Tel. 4-3313 13 SPRINGFIELD MATTRESS CO. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Miscellaneous Flat and Gloss White. Paint 980 Gal. Automobiles for Sale Sales Ford Service SPECIAL 1937 Nash Sed.

Radio and Heater $199 Other Cars and Trueks 1939 to 1941 $33 to $1193 AUTOMOBILE SALES CO. 93 Liberty Next Ry Sta. Open Eves. etter ARRETT'S Buys '40 Plym. Conv.

Coupe $845 '39 Chevrolet Sedan $475 '38 Buick Sedan S495 '38 Chevrolet Sedan S375 '37 Chrys. H. R. OD S395 '37 Plym. 2-Dr.

Sedan '37 Graham Sedan, H. New Tires $275 '36 Plymouth Sedan $245 '35 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan $195 '35 Plym. 2-Dr. Trg.

Sed. M. C. BARRETT, Inc. DE SOTO-PLYMOUTH 600 State St.

Tel. 4-2133 Open Eves. Hedges-Saltler, Inc. USED CAR LOT 683 Columbus Ave. HOLIDAY SPECIALS! '35 Ford Sedan $195 '34 Plymouth Sedan $175 '34 Chevrolet Coach '39 Ford Coupe A $445 '37 Plymouth Coach '35 Chevrolet Coupe '34 Dodge Sedan S175 '37 De Soto Sedan '34 Plymouth Coupe '35 Olds.

Conv. Coupe $295 '33 Terraplane Conv. Coupe '37 Terraplane Coach S295 '40 Plymouth 2-Dr. Sedan $685 '33 Plymouth Coach 95 '38 Ford Coach $395 '39 Buick 2-Dr. Sedan $695 '33 Pontiac Sedan 95 '39 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan 137 More to Choose From '34 low Nice Mohair CHEVROLET priced Brewater velvet DIx.

Green interior. 4-Dr. Dura. A Sedan Today's Good $69 '35 LArge BUICK Spotless Beautiful marulato "50" heater special. Black Mohair DIx.

and Duce Trg. velvet defroster. finish. 4-Dr. interior.

Tm-; $189 '37 and New mohair CHEVROLET Black defrosters. velvet enamel Mast. interior. finish. Dix.

Heater Smart Sedan '229 '37 el. Radio Handsome PLYMOUTH bmari and gun heater. DIx. broadcloth metal R. S.

Coupe upholstery. $299 '37 ly Smart DODGE ('huse-Velmo new' reconditioned. DIx. enamnd 4-Dr. interior.

A Sedan finish. beauty Thorough- nt Nice $349 '39 lor. era. Smart Excellent PLYMOUTH Deluxe Today's pinstripe Black DIx. hrater leader Trg.

at broadcloth enamel and 4-Dr. defrost- Anish. inter- $469 INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR CO. Originators of Low Payment Plans Your Dodge- -Plymouth Direct Factory Dealer 138 Memorial Ave. West Spfid.

Tel. 6-1826 3. 19 3 he.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.