25 Funny and Relatable Tweets for the Introverts in Your Life (2024)

I was a psychology major in college and in one of my classes we had to take a personality test, the first part of which determined whether you were an introvert or extrovert. My results were split EXACTLY down the middle, which I think fits me perfectly.

If I’m in a big crowd or at a party, I’m an introvert, just counting the minutes until I can go home. But, if I’m in a small group of people that I know and love, I can be very much the extrovert.

Either way, I related to every single one of these tweets…enjoy!

#1 LOL…

husband: you should hang out with my friend’s wife, she’s an introvert like you

me: that’s…that’s not how it works

— meghan (@deloisivete) January 16, 2022
#2 Right??

As an introvert I should be entitled to worker’s comp when forced to do team building activities

— Katie D (@KatieDeal99) August 20, 2022
#3 Good for him! Kids do directness and honesty better than adults…

Just overheard my eight-year-old son tell the little boy who lives across the street, “You have to go now. I’ve hit my limit for being around other people today.”

— Rebecca Papin (@RebeccaPapin) July 16, 2023
#4 When you live in a small town, good luck with either of those things!

My grocery list:

1. Don’t run into anyone you know
2. Eggs

— Introvert Problems (@IntrovertProbss) January 4, 2023
#5 Been there, done that…

Introvert me is pissed off at yesterday me for trying to be an extrovert for 5 minutes and accidentally making plans for today

— KJ (@IDontSpeakWhine) July 9, 2022
#6 I’m gonna use this excuse LOL…

Friend: Want to hangout tomorrow?

Me: I already performed an activity yesterday. Please wait the three day recovery period to submit another inquiry.

— Introvert Problems (@IntrovertProbss) October 27, 2022
#7 Exactly…

Every time a cashier asks if I found everything okay I lie and say yes just so there won't be more questions.

— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) April 21, 2021
#8 Sounds perfect…

It doesn't take much to make me happy. Six meals a day. Ten hours of sleep. A pair of yoga pants, complete solitude, and no social obligations whatsoever.

— Abby Heugel (@AbbyHasIssues) April 17, 2019
#9 And park somewhere you won’t get blocked in!

1st rule of any social gathering, always bring your own vehicle so you can leave when you want

— Introvert Problems (@IntrovertProbss) January 8, 2023
#10 Ha ha, yup!

"Oh hello, I didn't see you there!" – Translation: I have failed to avoid you.

— VeryBritishProblems (@SoVeryBritish) May 26, 2022
#11 No, there is no simpler joy. Except my crumbs would be Dorito crumbs, not corn chips LOL…

I sometimes enjoy dressing up and going out to socialize, but dear God, is there a simpler joy on this planet other than sitting ugly, bra-less and comfortable in your own home covered in corn chip crumbs? 5/5 Highly recommend.

— Susan McLean (@NoDomesticDiva) June 26, 2019
#12 It’s a real conundrum…

Making new friends as an adult is very hard because the people I’d get along best with are the ones that also don’t want to leave their house 😅

— introverts memes (@introvertsmemes) August 16, 2022
#13 All. The. Time.

Anyone else google a phone number they don’t recognize instead of answering the phone?

— Introvert Problems (@IntrovertProbss) December 2, 2022
#14 Obviously…

Me: We got invited to two parties this weekend.

Wife: Wow. We finally have friends.

Me: We’re skipping both, right?

Wife: Obviously.

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) February 20, 2017
#15 LOL…

I don't like being asked "are you at home?" Please expand further so I can know whether I'm at home or not.

— max〽️ (@Maxthepapi) November 18, 2022
#16 Right??

So fun when somebody cancels plans and profusely apologizes like omg. Don’t apologize. This is everything I hoped for

— michaela okland (@MichaelaOkla) June 7, 2021
#17 Funny how when I was a kid I would jump at the chance to answer our house phone, and back then, you never knew who was on the other end of the line. Fast forward to today….my teenagers would NEVER pick up our house phone in a million years! I feel ancient just because we still have a landline LOL…

Would I die for you? Yes
Will I pick up when you call? No

— Ali Kolbert (@AliKolbert) July 30, 2020
#18 LOL! This is me, my entire life, going anywhere with my mom. She talks to absolutely EVERYBODY and I just stand around waiting to leave.

My husband (the extrovert) and I (the introvert) got separated on our flight. We're in middle seats in the same row.

I've already apologized to the people sitting next to me like 7 times. My husband is sharing beef jerky with strangers and I think he's now in someone's wedding.

— Author Abby Jimenez (@AuthorAbbyJim) December 18, 2018
#19 Terrifying…

Haunted House idea: A poorly lit Walmart littered with people you haven't seen since High School.

— Mikey (@KrunkedRobot) September 24, 2017
#20 One time I literally did like a full tuck and roll under a window so I wouldn’t be seen LOL…

I hate when someone rings my doorbell
because then I have to drop whatever I'm doing to be silent and pretend I'm not home.

— P. Hitchens (@PetraHitchens) September 26, 2017
#21 I just realized almost all of my friends are extroverts…probably NOT a coincidence. I guess they really did adopt me! 🙂


-10% they dont

-90% an extrovert found them, liked them, and adopted them

— SHHHHHYYYYYYY ౿ᓕ ̤Ꜥ·⦣ (@shylostconfused) August 7, 2021
#22 Been there, done that…

*spends 25 minutes creating a Pizza Hut account online to avoid a 3 minute phone call*

— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) May 21, 2015
#23 I feel this…

Being a people pleaser and an introvert is so hard because I want people to like me but I also don’t want to talk to them

— Katie D (@KatieDeal99) September 23, 2023
#24 As I’m gesturing “no” wildly in the background…

The horror of someone handing a phone to you and saying “here, you speak to them”

— VeryBritishProblems (@SoVeryBritish) November 11, 2021
#25 LOL…

The worst part about a fender bender is getting out of your car and having to meet a new person

— Natalie (@jbfan911) July 10, 2022

Hope you enjoyed my tweet round-up – feel free to share with the introverts in your life!

For more laughs, check out: “20 Funny and Relatable Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Middle Age”
25 Funny and Relatable Tweets for the Introverts in Your Life (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.